[BTS] Part 2: Revealing the Monsters of Immortal Rising 2

Since the dawn of time, the world of Immortal Rising 2 has been a haven of tranquility and a showcase of a vibrant ecosystem. But ever since the dark forces of evil rolled in, things have taken a nasty turn with the once-harmonious fauna adapting to the new, sinister vibes of their home.

With evil magic in the mix, their claws have grown sharper and their physique more monstrous. The creatures-turned-monsters’ natural survival skills have become deadly weapons, posing a lethal threat to anyone who crosses their path.

Today, we are counting down the 10 most dangerous monsters you will encounter in Immortal Rising 2.

If you see one of these deadly creatures, make a choice! Run for your life or confront them like the brave Immortal you are because the number of fatalities these monsters cause is simply staggering.

[Disclaimer: The images and content in this article do not represent the final product. The names, storyline, and visuals provided are a work in progress as we are still in the final stages of polishing the game. The final content may change without prior notice.]

[ Number 10 - Pixies ]

Tinkerbell has gone rogue! These malevolent Pixies relentlessly pursue you, driving you to exhaustion before delivering a merciless blow. Their glowing red eyes are a deceptive pattern, and they track you with their keen antennas. You won't notice them until they're right beside you, ready to strike. Their feather-light wings whisper through the air with an eerie silence, making them ghostly predators.

[ Number 9 - Desert Bees ]

If you hear a buzzing noise in the distance, get ready to run! These Desert Bees aren't honey-sweet. Unlike their yellow-striped relatives, their number one priority is to fill their hives with their prey's blood. With venomous stingers that paralyze their victims, they may look harmless when alone, but soon you'll be swarmed in no time by the whole colony.

[ Number 8 - Desert Scorpions ]

Beware of the Desert Scorpion, a master of stealth and survival in the arid wastelands. With a tough exoskeleton that blends seamlessly with the sand, it lurks in the shadows, waiting to strike. Its pincers are powerful enough to crush bones, and its venomous sting can incapacitate prey in seconds. Agile and relentless, this predator uses the cover of night to hunt, its keen senses detecting the slightest vibration in the sand.

[ Number 7 - Yeti ]

Watch out for the wicked frosty furball lurking in the depths of the frozen shriek! This fur-covered Yeti isn't exactly the life of the snowball party. With a penchant for human snacks, it fiercely guards its icy turf. Armed with claws sharper than icicles and an appetite that could freeze a smile, it's best to skip its territory unless you fancy a chilling encounter with its frosty fury!

[ Number 6 - Haunted Trees ]

In the treacherous swamplands, keep your arms raised around your neck, for the Haunted Trees of the swamp have a sinister trick up their sleeves. With jungle vines as their weapon, they'll lasso you, drag you into their clutches to hang you from their branches. Your body, a grim trophy, will slowly be consumed, becoming yet another sorrowful appendage of these wretched monsters.

[ Number 5 - Stone Golem ]

Stone Golems are the silent guardians of the dunes. Their red orbs, glowing like fiery eyes in the desert night, are the source of their power. Crafted from stone and bound together by evil incantation, their limbs can move freely, enabling them to change their shapes at will. With their keen senses and unwavering loyalty, they stand watch over the sands, ever vigilant against intruders.

[ Number 4 - Skeleton Warriors ]

Watch out for the Skeleton Warriors, the deceased immortals who were revived to serve the dark forces. They’re weaker than when they were alive. However, these monsters move in packs, some wield bows as archers. What's most eerie is they reassemble unless you smash their skulls. They rise repeatedly, a relentless horde. Facing them means battling death itself, a fight against darkness that never ends.

[ Number 3 - Hunter Lions ]

These Hunter Lions are the silent predators wielding two giant swords, stalking their prey with deadly precision! Walking upright on two feet, they move through the shadows, waiting to ambush the unsuspecting. With senses keen as the scent of blood on the wind, they can smell their prey from afar, closing in with relentless determination. Encounter them, and beware their fearsome roar, capable of paralyzing even the boldest prey!

[ Number 2 - The Fallen Zombie Groom ]

In the citadel's heart resides the Fallen Zombie Groom, a tragic figure haunted by lost love. Amidst its towering spires, he wanders with his bride's coffin, a spectral reminder of their shattered happiness. But beware, for he wears the skulls of his prey around his neck, a chilling testament to his vengeful nature. His mournful cries echo through the halls, guarding his sorrowful domain with bone-chilling ferocity.

[ Number 1 - The Ghost Tiger ]

Beware the Ghost Tigers, infamous for their cunning ways. They mimic the cries of their prey's most beloved ones, luring victims into their grasp. It's said this eerie habit is what gave the frozen shriek its name, a chilling reminder of their haunting tactics. With supernatural speed and impenetrable stone skin, they strike fear into all who encounter them. To face a Ghost Tiger is to confront the ultimate hunter, a predator whose very name sends shivers down the spine.

The monsters revealed above may give you a taste of the perilous world of Immortal Rising 2. But they're just the beginning. Beyond them lurk even deadlier foes and Chapter Bosses, hungry for any chance to test your mettle.

Make sure to equip yourself with a variety of weapons and skills, each tailored to different situations you'll encounter. From swords to spells, bows to bombs, the key to survival lies in adapting and utilizing the right tools for the job.

So, hone your skills, experiment with different strategies, and always stay one step ahead of the darkness that threatens to engulf the world of Immortal Rising 2.

But most importantly, Survive.


[BTS] PArt 3: Skills and Weapons of Immortal Rising 2


[ BTS ] Part 1: Chapters of Immortal Rising 2